Start building your project!
Add an image, a goal, and other important details.
How will you thank the people who support you?
Offer an experience, a copy of what you are making, or a thank you in the credits. Get creative!
What are you creating?
Every project must create something to share with others.
Use this space to tell the story behind your project. -
Now a little bit about you.
Tell people who you are! Supporting links are always nice.
Some housekeeping.
Get your account verified and ready to receive pledges.
The homestretch!
Once everything is in place, submit your project for review.
An error occurred. In order to continue:
How to: Make an awesome project
Need advice?
Visit Campus to read discussions about preparing for a project and more.
Cow Eye Community College Yuletide Extravaganza & Masquerade
Cow Eye Community College
Help us bring to reality our Christmas Masquerade and Springtime Extravaganza for Regional Accreditation & Student Success!
How to: Create great rewards
What to offer
Copies of what you're making, unique experiences, and limited editions work great.
How to price
- Price fairly, and offer a good value. What would you consider a fair exchange?
- Most popular pledge amount: $25
- Something fun for $10 or less is always a good idea.
- Backers based in the U.S. will always see reward amounts and funding goals reflected in USD.
- Funds that backers pledge to account for shipping costs will count towards your project's funding goal. Keep this in mind when setting your goal.
- Use the shipping tool to add delivery costs for any country you like (including your own). The price will be added to backer's pledges as they check out.
What's prohibited
- Rewards not directly produced by the creator or the project itself
- Financial incentives
- Raffles, lotteries, and sweepstakes
- Coupons, discounts, and cash-value gift cards
- For more, please review our list of prohibited items and subject matter
Need ideas for rewards?
Campus has a discussion on that — and plenty more.
Looking for advice?
Visit Campus to read about making great videos and more.
Important reminder
Kickstarter is a global community, and including translations of your description and rewards, or using our Captions & Subtitles to make your videos more accessible, will help your project have a wider appeal. If you're including text or audio in a language outside of those that we currently support (English, French, German, and Spanish), we also ask that you include English translations or subtitles.
Don't use music, images, video, or other content that you don't have the rights to. Reusing copyrighted material is almost always against the law and can lead to expensive lawsuits down the road. The easiest way to avoid copyright troubles is to create all the content yourself or use content that is free for public use.
For legal, mostly free alternatives, check out some of these great resources: SoundCloud, Vimeo Music Store, Free Music Archive, and ccMixter.
Important notes on accountability
Part of every creator's job is earning their backers' trust, especially backers who don't personally know them. It's up to you to make the case that you can successfully bring your project to life. Present your qualifications and share links that help reinforce them.
Returning creators
Launching another project? Awesome! For the sake of transparency, just be sure all of them are under the same account. In special circumstances where this won't work (this project's a solo album, the last one was with your mariachi band) just be sure to link to any previous projects in your bio.
Eligibility requirements
To be eligible to start a Kickstarter project as a US creator, you need to meet the following requirements:
- You are 18 years of age or older
- You are a permanent resident in the US either creating a project in your own name or on behalf of a legal entity with a Business EIN.
- You have a bank account, US address, US and government-issued ID (driver's license or passport).
- You have a major credit or debit card
Questions about taxes?
Check out Kickstarter and Taxes
Cow Eye Community College Yuletide Extravaganza & MasqueradeCow Eye Community CollegeStatus:Unsubmitted