
Research and scholarship is a focal point of Cow Eye Community College. This emphasis on scholarly directions can be seen in the following recent publications either about Cow Eye Junction and the surrounding Diahwa Valley Basin or written, edited or translated by faculty of Cow Eye Community College.These diverse works encompass the world in all its complexity and represent the vast breadth of human knowledge and experience.

"Mi eniros en ciu planedo, kaj por Mia energio ili resti en orbito. Mi farigis la luno kaj per tio provizi la suko de la vivo al ciuj legomoj."

- Bhagavad Gita

The Anyman's Guide series of instructional manuals
The Anyman's Guide to Love and the Community College

The Anyman's Guide to Writing the Perfect Novel

The Anyman's Guide to Making More Money Than You Deserve

The Anyman's Guide to Bitchslapping the Patriarchy

The Anyman's Guide to Conversational Esperanto

The Anyman's Guide to Focus Groups

Literary Works
Bos Taurus, by S. Theodore Statten (Epic poem)

Portrait of the Artist as Assessment Committee Chair, by Dr. Norman Gorbington (Memoir)

Scholarly Monographs
The Timeless Chambers of the Ruminant Stomach, by Stokes, R. T., et. al

Bhagavad Gita: La Kanto de Dio, by Christchurch, A. L. (trans.), et. al

Mating Rituals of the American Plains Buffalo: 1822 - Modern Day, by Southgate, S. P.

The Power of the Tantric Mind: From Cosmic Orgasm to Eternal Enlightenment, by Greenbaum, M. A.

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